Grain Storage
JSC Berezovsky kombikormovy zavod renders services in the organization of a complex of the actions promoting preservation of reserves of grain:
- unloading of cars;
- weighing, cleaning, shelesheniye and drying of grain;
- placement of grain in a silo on storage;
- grain holiday to a formula-feed complex, motor transport and railway transport.
JSC Berezovsky kombikormovy zavod guarantees the correct organization of storage of grain, allowing to keep completely his quality and to minimize losses of weight. Safety of grain is influenced by its humidity, temperature and the related intensity of biochemical processes, minimization of development in the mass of a product of microorganisms and wreckers.
- a zernosushilny complex with a productivity of 40 tons per hour and a gas boiler room with the Italian equipment for production of steam for a granulation and expansion of compound feeds.
- metal granary with a capacity of 43,3 thousand tons;
- the zernosushilny KZS-40 complex with an hour productivity of 40 tons;
- three metal granaries with a general capacity of 9,0 thousand tons.
Services To be provided
JSC Berezovsky kombikormovy zavod offers services in production of compound feed on terms of the contract about raw materials supplied by the customer processing.
On the basis of the contract on raw materials supplied by the customer processing, the customer provides to plant grain from which that makes compound feed. As payment of cost of works the customer pays to plant the sum of money determined by the contract.
Main advantages of processing to be provided of raw materials:
- the cost of services in processing of raw materials at the third-party company is lower, than the customer’s expenses on the organization and implementation of technological process;
- without having own capacities, the customer receives finished goods;
- minimization of monetary resources for financing of working capital of the processor;
- the conclusion of the contract for processing of raw materials supplied by the customer allows the customer to reduce tax payments in the budget;
- in ensuring the maximum utilization of capacity of the processor and, as a result, preservation of production and personnel capacity of the enterprise. Besides, the scale effect of production conducts to decrease in size specific (on a unit of production) conditional and constant expenses, so, to increase of competitiveness of own production; in tax economy.